About The University
Educational philosophy
1) A new concept in design schools
By adopting a comprehensive new approach that considers design in a range of perspectives – from artistic to engineering, information, and economic – the Nagaoka Institute of Design seeks to encourage students to discover new roles and possibilities for design in the 21st century. From the campus layout to the buildings, facilities, and equipments, every aspect of the study environment here has been designed to serve an educational purpose. Through such efforts, we continually strive to realize an innovative design education philosophy befitting the new age in which we live.
2) An emphasis on practical education and research
Our curriculum is based on a belief that students learn by acquiring critical skills and a creative disposition through practice. For these reasons, we emphasize practical training and seminars. Many of our classes are taught by working designers, who are dealing with the very latest practical issues facing the design world.
3) An open school that contributes to the local community
We view the community as an ideal environment for practical education and research, and seek to contribute to the local community by improving education, culture, industry, and urban development. Through the Cnter for Co-creation with Regional Society 2018, established as an affiliate of the Nagaoka Institute of Design, we make the results of our design research available to the public community by undertaking beneficial research with industry or local authorities. We also respond to the community need for lifelong education by offering open lectures and classes, and by opening our library and other facilities to the general public.